The true cost of load shedding

Load shedding has cost all of us over the past few weeks, but do you know exactly how much?Neither did we, until we did a little digging. Cost to the economy at large

Can finances be a family affair?

Throughout the year there are clusters of holidays and long weekends when family comes to the fore. These moments are often an opportunity to step out of the frenetic hamster wheel of life, we now have long weekends and, for some, religious holidays to spend with those nearest and dearest to us. Which got us thinking – how much does your inner circle feature in your finances?

On the road: the best road trips for the long weekend season

It’s that time of year coming up again when the public holidays flow thick and fast for South Africa. With a country as beautiful as ours, the ideal solution could be a road trip. Here are some of the best to get you out of the city and on the road. Got three days? Enjoy […]

Teach your children well

It’s an overwhelming feeling most of us recall vividly – that first job, the first month of rent to pay and the exhilarating yet terrifying knowledge that we have to keep ourselves alive for the rest of the month for the very first time. For those with children in school, a new experience awaits: watching […]